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Grades 1+2
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Grades 5+6
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The arts for grades five and six, in my opinion, are vey fun. I chose to do these arts because when I walk down the
street, I see kids, around eleven or twelve, walking around with a bunch of keychaind dangling from their backpack.
As for the puppets, I just thought, hey, why not? It fits the age group so I might as well! When it comes to art,
the most important thing I learned is to have fun. So go ahed, Have fun!
The materials:
Leather cord
Fold leather cord in half and tie a knot where the ends meet, then put the two tied ends throuh the loop to attach
to keychain. Then, if you want, tie a knot for decoration. Then string beads onto cord. When you are happy with your
design, tie a knot at the end to prevent the beads from falling off. Last but not least, take your keys and
attach your new keychain to them/it.
The materials:
Paper bags
Googly eyes
White glue
Pipe cleaners
Patterned material
Give each child a flat paper bag and let them decorate it to make their own puppets.